The Night of Unkempt Indigents

I’ve fallen behind with this blog. Not such a big deal, but I’ve gotta get these photos posted.

They’re from Sunday night. Sam Lerma was directing a little promo teaser for SAL (San Antonio Local film festival). Sam asked Russ to shoot the piece. Russ asked me to help him out. We had many people there I knew from other shoots. Andy, Xavier, Lani, Laura, Mike Richards. Brant showed up with Sergio and Manuel — they were there to turn some of our actors into down-on-their-luck indigents. There were also two guys whose names I forgot. After the makeup guys worked their magic, they were perfect as a couple of unkempt homeless guys.

It was a night shoot at a gas station downtown. Brant, Sergio, and Manuel showed up as the sun was beginning to set. Andy unpacked his new, snazzy HMI lights. I set up some Lowells from Russ’ light kit.

Once everything was in place, the work moved pretty quick. It was great to watch Sam work. He’s fast, efficient, and he seems to know pretty much what he wants.

A fun night.

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