Video Design

This all started with Seme Jatib. She’s a brilliant choreographer who had moved to town from Monterrey, and she was looking for a media artist to work with. Amber introduced us. I soon realized she was looking not just for a filmmaker, but someone who could provide live video projection. It sounded fun. I couldn’t help myself, so I had to buy a projector. And then things sort of snowballed from there.

Lucia in the Faerie Garden (selections), with Catherine Cisneros (2017).

remface Rapid Eye Movement, with FIRE Collaborative (2016).

echosq  Echo, with Julia Langenberg (2014).

tia  Taken In Arms, with Amber Ortega-Perez, (2014).

pranasq  Prana, with Seme Jatib (2013).

het  Hetaerae (2013).

eb  Ebenazio: A Winter’s Tale of Old San Anto, (2012).

boundless  Boundless, with Seme Jatib (2012).

carp  Carpa, (2012).

sntyk  So Now That You Know, with George Cisneros (2012).

ltyes  The Last Thing You’ll Ever See (2011).

pea  Pintame el Alma, with Seme Jatib (2011).

witw  Words into the Wind, with Seme Jatib (2010/2011).