To Those Who Braved the Storms — Thanks!

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I want to thank everyone for showing up for the 48 Hour Film Project Meet-and-Greet at Ruta Maya. We had 15 people show up. There were five team leaders. The skies raged all over the county, and I’m glad we had such a nice turn out. Also, thanks so much to Catarina Velasquez and Angel Mena of Ruta Maya for hosting our group.

We’re moving along. We now have 13 teams!

More than just working toward the 48HFP, I think we also gave a chance for the local filmmakers and some actors a chance to meet one another and network, perhaps for future projects. Personally, I met 4 new folks. Lorenzo Lopez, who is signed up as Team “Zovision.” Also, there was Ricky Moreno, I believe he plans to sign up a team of his own. And I had a chance to meet actors Stephen Brogdon and Janett Jaysek.

Brandon and Laurie, who I believe will be crewing on Andy’s team (Team “Felonius Sloth”), were extending their invitation to many of us for the red carpet premier of Brandon’s new feature, “Where’s Chloe?” (Brandon was even more hyperactive than usual — I suspect it is nothing more than a basic mental breakdown from busting his ass on his current project. Nothing to worry about, I’m sure.)

I didn’t get a chance to talk much with Andy, but it looks like he’s got a solid team. And lord knows he has plenty of equipment. Also, he seems to have close ties with some excellent actors.

Carlos Pina (who will head Team “Haunted House Studio”), showed up with his friend Adrian (who was working the room like an excited puppy).

Nikki and Chadd (who will be heading, of course, Team “PrimaDonna Productions”), came out, mostly to show support and meet new show biz folks. I say that because they know as many cast and crew people as all the teams combined. My only problem with Team “PrimaDonna” is that I can’t rope Nikki in as a MC for the night of the screening. Oh, well.

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I saw a couple of people I know who were just dropping by for coffee. I guess, after the three or four years I’ve lived here, I’ve finally arrived. I’ve a fighting chance to know people is I find myself out in artsy locals. Gisha, one of the teachers from Say Si (a youth arts program), was there having coffee with a friend. And later, Natalie Goodnow, a teacher with the summer performing arts program at the Guadalupe Arts Cultural Center, dropped by with a couple of friends. She was on the other end of the leash of a black Labrador at least as large as she.

I hope we have even more people show up next Tuesday, for another meet-and-greet.

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