I wonder if my tiny blog readership contains folks who don’t follow me on FaceBook. Well, if you are one of those, here is a link to a fun and dumb hasty edit of some video I shot back on Sunday. Maggie Lasher, dancer, choreographer, teacher, deadhead, etc., contacted me some weeks back. She wanted to know if I might like to work with her dance company. It’s called China Cat Productions. I’ve seen maybe three of their productions. What Maggie wanted to do was to play around with the concept of Butoh, a very specific dance approach. I, of course, said, hell yeah!
Maggie showed up at Peacock Alley in downtown San Antonio with four dancers from her company. She’d also be dancing. This made five.
It was just the six of us until my dear friend Deborah showed up. She took some photos. And she was also conscripted into the video work.
What is embedded below is a short and fast edit of some of the video we all worked on in Peacock Alley. Tonight I slapped together some very minimal “music” and I did some fast cutting. I rather like that I came up with. Deborah’s the one smoking the cigarette.
Check it out!
[vimeo vimeo.com/12195272]