Just a quick blog up-date. It's pushing midnight, and I have to be Seguin in the morning for a seven o'clock call time.
Today was a series of meetings, and many of the people turned out to be related to one another.
I joined Deborah and Ramon for breakfast. Ramon's usual taqueria was closed for Good Friday. So we went down the road to another little place on Hilderbrand. I always enjoy spending time with the two of them. We discussed letting the San Antonio Museum of Art screen our Dia de los Locos documentary for one of the museum's Family Day programs later this month. It sounds like a nice idea.
Then I had to head over to Guadalupe street to meet Ramon's son, Juan. He runs the American Indian's in Texas non-profit. We discussed a joint program between NALIP and AIT. I mentioned a documentary filmmaker I was keen to bring in to town. And, in keeping with NALIP's Meet the Maker film series, we would need a filmmaker with San Antonio connections. Juan said he'd track down a few leads. I'll meet with him again Monday to give him a screener copy of the film I'd like at have shown.
And at some point, while driving around, I got a call from Ramon's ex-wife, Gloria. She's retiring from the IRS (she refers to it as “The Service”) and wants me to put together a photo show of her family's history she can screen at the going-away party. She dropped off a CD of the images around five and we chatted. “It's been twenty years,” she told me, referring to her stint with The Service. I feel like a prisoner finally getting released.” She paused. “The only difference is, I get a pension.”
Also, Pete comes by to borrow some wireless mikes from me. But he phoned later, having some problems with them. I hope he worked that out.
I met up with Dar, for our weekly hike. We made the circuit along the River Walk. She brought me up to speed with her new film festival, SAL (San Antonio Local). And she mentioned that Dago and Andy have one more day of shooting for their short horror film.
A fairly well-rounded day that a traditional job would have mangled. Most of these meetings are about small, but still paying jobs.
But now I have to catch some sleep for the larger, non-paying job. Crack of dawn on the banks of the Guadalupe River.