Though I’m no longer an active member of Jump-Start Performance Co.’s artistic company, I am still happy to help them celebrate with their annual Performance Party. This is their 31st anniversary. I’m not sure how many years I have contributed with a film or a performance. I think eight. And I’m sure I was in the audience several years before then. This year (2016) the theme was time. I thought I’d put together a quick time-lapse film, forgetting that there really isn’t a quick way to produce time lapse. I like wind, to whip the trees; I like low, fast moving clouds; I like dynamic change. But I was stymied by lackluster weather. Gray, cold, and torpid. My answer was to poach a few time lapse sequences I’d used in a previously produced film of mine. So, here is my offering to “It’s About Time: Performance Party 31.” I titled it “While You Were Napping.” No real reason. I just wanted to put in a title.