Category Archives: Uncategorized

When Time Had A Different Rhythm

This was my offering to the 36th annual Jump-Start Performance Party. Saturday January 9, 2021 was the first time this yearly fundraising event was presented in a virtual fashion, via Zoom. Those who participated had only two minutes. Some performed live, others (like me) sent in videos. I made this experimental film with a close-up extension tube attached to my camera, as well as a motorized slider. The soundtrack was some noodling I did on a couple of Korg Volcas.

A Topical Duet

This performance piece was created by me and Laurie for National Poetry Month. That’s April, if you didn’t know. We submitted it to URBAN-15’s annual Mega Corazón poetry presentation. It has always been an online program of live poetry reading streamed from their San Antonio studio. This year, because of the pandemic, most of the material had been prerecorded. Anyway, our “Topical Duet” (a multi-media poetry video thing) was added to the broadcast. It played on April 6th, as well as several other evenings during that month. What an honor!

Click on the image below to experience “A Topical Duet.”

A Topical Duet from Erik Bosse on Vimeo.

Rerouting: A Road Trip

Laurie Dietrich and I created a site-specific performance piece for the 2019 New Orleans InFringe Fest which was held during November. Our friend Kurt provided the venue, a small school bus. For our four performances the bus was parked in three different locations. We were able to seat a small audience of 8 people (10 if no one took deep breaths).

The concept was that we were tour guides taking our audience on a strange journey across an only vaguely familiar landscape. We did not have the opportunity to document the show, but afterward we recreated it as a sort of radio drama.

Click on the image below to hear it.

REROUTING: A Road Trip from Erik Bosse on Vimeo.

No Blood For Corn, the paperback

Book number three in the Cucuy Club Chronicles. I may write more of these. I do like the characters and the setting. At the moment, this is all I have. Three novels written, edited, published. I’ve learned a lot from the process. And I’m happy with the final products. They all look great. Raul Servin’s art adds so much to the aesthetics of the books.

To see the paperback on Amazon, click HERE. Or click on the photo below.

No Blood for Corn, the ebook

The third in my series, The Cucuy Club Chronicles. I try to have some sort of social issue lurking in the back of each of these books. Here it’s immigrant farm workers and the problems with industrial agriculture. The cucuy this time is the famed chupacabra.

Here’s my blurb:

Juan Esparza and Richard Taylor investigate stories of the usual and the fantastic for their blog, The Cucuy Club. When they are given access to the archives of infamous Texas billionaire and chupacabra hunter, Baphomet McPherson, they follow the trail to Parnassus, Texas. There they find themselves deep in the dirty world of small town politics, murder, genetic experiments gone awry, and rumors of magical Mesoamerican entities no taller than a toddler.

To find the ebook on Amazon, click HERE (or on the photo).

The Mattress Devil, the paperback

My author copies arrived of the second book in my Cucuy Club Chronicles series. Looks even better than the first.

I guess I really need to begin getting my head wrapped around the marketing aspect of self-publishing. And I know I’m way behind on that. If only it was just writing. That’s damn difficult, but less daunting than the thought of promoting my own work.

Buy it from Amazon by clicking HERE.

The Mattress Devil, the ebook

My previous book, Tunnels Under the Tower, is the first book of The Cucuy Club Chronicles series.

The new title, The Mattress Devil, continues the series. It features the same two lead characters from the previous book. Johnny Esparza and Rich Taylor run a blog in San Antonio, Texas that is devoted to the folktales of the region. The lines between the rational and the supernatural blur during their investigations. The murder and the humor is very much real. The monsters? That’s not so clear.In Tunnels Under the Tower, the story takes Johnny and Rich to the Chihuahua Desert. In The Mattress Devil, the duo find themselves chasing a tale of the Devil himself down to the Rio Grande Valley and points beyond. Following a series of encounters with a punk rock dominatrix, a hard-boiled reporter, a Mexican moonshiner, and a sharp-dressed mattress salesman who dances the Tango, they find themselves overwhelmed with diabolical forces beyond their comprehension armed with little more than their limited wits and a piñata named Buford.

I released The Mattress Devil via Amazon on the last day of 2018. To get the book click HERE. Or click on the image below. (Please note the lovely cover art by Raul Servin–who did the art for the previous book, as well.)

Tunnels Under the Tower, the paperback

I decided to wait until my author copies arrived before promoting the paperback edition of Tunnels Under the Tower. Just in case they looked horrible. But, damn, the two copies I ordered look great! I used Amazon’s KPD for their print-on-demande service. I designed my own cover (with the lovely art work by Raul Servin), and formatted the interior using Vellum (the same software I used for the ebook).

Buy it from Amazon by clicking HERE.

Here’s a photo Laurie took of them.