Flower of Darkness

Flower of Darkness (Slab Cinema edit), by Los Mescaleros.

Angela Martinez, with Slab Cinema, asked me to do a promotional video for her family’s business. She left the concept pretty much up to me. I wanted to highlight the portability of their services. They can set up their inflatable screen, projector, and sound system anywhere. I had wanted to do this in a field somewhere on the far southside. But before I could track down a good location, we settled on the Pearl. (This was back before the Pearl became completely cauldroned off by the horrid condo buildings which now obscures any vestige of aesthetics the older builds might imbue to the scene.)

It’s very much in a warm home movie style (I probably went overboard on the vignetting and color settings in Magic Bullet). I like that the Alvarado brothers (fellow residents of the Southtown region) showed up on their bicycles.

The slow motion works well with the Los Mescaleros song which the band were so kind to allow us to use.